TV & Radio Attribution

Attribute credit to your paid television & radio advertising

With Attribution you can also attribute to your paid television, radio or other influence spend in your model. Attribution does this by deploying an 8 minute window to collect visits after your ad runs. Any visits that arrive within this window would be considered attributable to the paid TV, radio, influence ads. As with all ad platforms on your dashboard, TV Attribution would be blended with other touches to create your realistic multi-touch model. TV Attribution is an additional paid feature, please contact [email protected] if you're interested.

Requirements - upload your tv/radio/influence logs

For Attribution to properly track and provide return on ad spend for your television or radio ads we'll need to collect some data about it in CSV format described below. First row of CSV file must contain header with column names described below. Please send these logs to [email protected] with the subject TV Logs for [Your Company].


Important note on Date, Time & Timezone

The exact timestamp is important for proper TV/Radio attribution, since it depends on exact time when ad was shown or played. It's recommended to use ISO8601 format, if you don't have it or don't know how to build it use Date, Time and Timezone instead. Date and Time must be specified in timezone which is set in Timezone field, you can have different timezone per row/spot.

Column NameRequirementDescription
SpotIdoptionalUnique "spot id" - it's recommended to have this field set if possible, as it will allow to update data with further uploads.
ChannelrequiredThe top level channel name, e.g. TV Logs
GroupoptionalAdditional group name which would placed inside Channel and will contain Filter inside it, usually market or station name (e.g. National Broadcast)
FilterrequiredName of the filter used to descibe spot, usually ad or creative name, e.g. My Fancy TV Creative
ISO8601required/optional - required unless all Date, Time and Timezone are specificedFormat 2022-05-30T17:42:03Z
Daterequired/optional - required if ISO8601 field not setFormat YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2022-05-30)
Timerequired/optional - required if ISO8601 field not setFormat HH:MM:SS (e.g. 17:42:03)
Timezonerequired/optional - is required when ISO8601 field not setTimezone name in IANA format e.g. America/New_York
CostoptionalAd spend per spot, this must be specified in cents, if the cost is $15.00 - this field must have 1500 as value
CountryoptionalEnables geolocation matching by country
RegionoptionalEnables geolocation state/region matching
CityoptionalEnables geolocation city matching within 100 km (62 miles)

Geolocation matching

Attribution uses geolocation to match influence touchpoints more accurately if you provide additional information. This is useful when you run ads only on selected markets Countries, States or City wide (with additional radius search applied). There are 4 possible scenarios:

  1. None of Country/Region/City is specified - in this case Attribution will attach influence touchpoints to any visitor within matching time frame.
  2. Country is provided - only visitors matching time frame and country.
  3. Country and Region (state) provided - only visitors matching all of time frame, county and state.
  4. Country, Region, City provided - only visitors matching time frame and within 62 miles (100 km) or City center.

Geolocation detection is based on IP address to location resolution, this technique is not ideal and depends a lot on the quality of IP to location solution. Attribution uses high quality data which resolves 99% accurately on Country, 95% State level and 80% on City level. With geolocation enabled on your influence touchpoints the attribution accuracy increases and there is less false-positive.