Data schema

Attribution collects a number of data points of which can later be exported. Data scientists, analysts and developers can use the schema below to design custom reports on top of this data.

Attribution exports provide the same data in the same format as used in your Attribution Dashboard to build all available reports, this data is in a raw form (as collected) and does not have any attribution model applied.

It is not possible to export data with any attribution model applied because your model is dependent on many factors you select on the dashboard, for example your current filters, date range, and model type etc. Also note that exports do not contain any pre-build reports.

The graph below displays the break down of Attribution's raw data. Some tables contain normalised data, which means the same data could be present in multiple tables but in different formats. For example the params table stores parsed URL parameters originally stored in events.uri column.


The events table contains all events and pageview data generated by the track() and page() snippet calls and also any server-side sent events as well. This table does not contain the raw form of event properties instead they are stored in properties table.

Column NameTypeDescription
idBIGINTThe Unique ID of an associated pageview or track event. Primary key for this table and is referenced from other tables.
nameVARCHARThe event name. For pageview's Loaded a Page or Viewed * Page is used depending how you fire the page() snippet method.
ipVARCHARIP address of visitor.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when event was written into Attribution database.
user_idBIGINTReferences This is internal user ID generated by Attribution, not the USER_ID used for tracking users.
project_idBIGINTInternal ID of your project.
timeTIMESTAMPTimestamp when event was fired.
referring_urlVARCHARHTTP Referer URL of the pageview.
referring_hostVARCHARHostname part of referring_url.
revenueBIGINTRevenue property value in cents.
visitor_idBIGINTInternal ID of visitor. References
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when event was last updated in database.
uriVARCHARPageview URL at capture time.
uri_pathVARCHARURL path of uri.
self_referralBOOLEANTRUE if referring_host matches uri hostname, FALSE otherwise.
message_idVARCHARUnique event ID generated by library which sent the event.
sourceVARCHARName of the source where event was captured from.
typeVARCHARp for pageview events, e.g. page() snippet command, t for custom events sent by track() snippet command.

Visits (sessions)

The visits table has variable names and depends on our internal ID for your project, if your internal project ID is 1234 - you'd have visits_1234 table in your data export. The visits table contains all the information you see as Visits in Dashboard.

Visits are touchpoints, usually a visit is the first pageview in the user session (learn more about what a visit is), we don't call it sessions because session are a group of pageviews and events, while visit are just the first pageview, which contains information about the source of the session (it could be URL parameters, referring website or combination of both). The source of the visit (and the whole session following it) is called a Filter in Attribution system.


Heads up!

This table contains the most value information needed to build custom reports on top of Attribution's data.

This table is NOT incrementally exportable as most of the other tables, this means you will have to drop the existing visits table and load in full with every export. The reason for that is that visits depend on filters and filters are often added/updated/removed, especially by integration and your marketing team, which means that the visits table is re-created based on information from events and filters table.

In other words visits are the result of applying filters to events and finding all the matches, for example if you have a filter which has a rule "URL Paramter utm_source is partner" than any pageview which has "utmsource=partner" in it's URL parameters will be written into _visits table.

Column NameTypeDescription
idBIGINTReferences, unique for visits table. Can be used as Primary Key.
visitor_idBIGINTReferences events.visitor_id and
visit_timeTIMESTAMPReferences events.time.
filterBIGINTReferences where xNNNN_filters.type is filter. Replace NNNN with your internal Project ID, e.g. 1234.
company_idBIGINTIf the number is positive it matches visitor_id from above, if the number is negative it references If visitor belongs to a company (has company_id trait) this number would be negative, you need to apply modulus to reference
visit_typeVARCHARv is for regular visit (pageview); i is for influence touchpoint used for TV Attribution.
user_idBIGINTReferences events.user_id and Can be NULL.
original_created_atTIMESTAMPMatches visitor.original_created_at. This column contains value of createdAt trait that if passed to identify() call. Can be NULL.
pathVARCHARMatches events.uri_path but with the exception that NULL indicates for no path or /. Can be NULL.

Most of the columns are excessive in the visits table but they are added to help optimize complex queries, you can skip loading selected columns and just load the two most important -id and filter. The rest of the columns can be fetched by joining events and other linked tables.


Currently Attribution exports the filters table in the new format. The legacy format is effective for projects who set up data export before 2024.

The filters table has variable name which depends on our internal ID for your project, if your internal project ID is 1234 - you'd have x1234_filters table in your data export. The filters table contains all the information you see as Filters and Channels in Dashboard.

The dashboard has tree-like structure called a "filter tree". The Filters table contains information about both channels (type=group) and filters (type=filter) from the Dashboard, since handling tree-like structures in SQL could be tricky we tried to flatten everything into filters table for easier use.

When joining this table with visits make sure you only join WHERE "type"='filter'. You will only get filter level reporting, if you want to have channel level reporting you need to sum all filter metrics by it's channel (use top_parent_id or parent_id).


Important notes

This table is NOT incrementally exportable, because filters are added/updated/removed often by automated integrations or your marketing team - it's hard to keep track of all the changes, so it's easier just to truncate and load this table again. Also the original order of the channels and filters as in Dashboard is not preserved here.

Primary Key of this table is composite (id, type), and technically you may have two rows with the same id which are not duplicates.

Column NameTypeDescription
idBIGINTID of fliter of channel. Not unique.
parent_idBIGINTReferences id where type is channel.
ID of the parent channel to which this channel or filter belongs to.
top_parent_idBIGINTReferences id where type is channel.
ID of the TOP parent channel to which this channel or filter belongs to.
typeVARCHARCould be filter or channel.
nameVARCHARName of the filter of channel.
labelVARCHARAttribution or integration qualification of filter or channel, could take different values to help identify what this entity is about. Can be NULL.
integrationVARCHARContains technical identifier of the integration, e.g. bing is for "Microsoft Ads" and etc.
pathVARCHARJSON encoded Array of the full path (top to bottom) of channels to which filter or channel belongs to.
ordinalINTEGERPosition of the filter (in its group).
levelINTEGERDistance from the root.
sort_indexINTEGERPosition of the filter (among all the filters).

To recreate your Attribution dashboard from exported filters table, please run this SQL query:

    repeat('▷ ', level) || name,

Filters (legacy, pre-2024)

Currently Attribution exports the filters table in the new format. The legacy format is effective for projects who set up data export before 2024.

The filters table has variable name which depends on our internal ID for your project, if your internal project ID is 1234 - you'd have x1234_filters table in your data export. The filters table contains all the information you see as Filters and Channels in Dashboard.

The dashboard has tree-like structure called a "filter tree". The Filters table contains information about both channels (type=group) and filters (type=filter) from the Dashboard, since handling tree-like structures in SQL could be tricky we tried to flatten everything into filters table for easier use.

When joining this table with visits make sure you only join WHERE "type"='filter'. You will only get filter level reporting, if you want to have channel level reporting you need to sum all filter metrics by it's channel (use top_parent_group_id or parent_group_id).


Important notes

This table is NOT incrementally exportable, because filters are added/updated/removed often by automated integrations or your marketing team - it's hard to keep track of all the changes, so it's easier just to truncate and load this table again. Also the original order of the channels and filters as in Dashboard is not preserved here.

Primary Key of this table is composite (id, type), and technically you may have two rows with the same id which are not duplicates.

Column NameTypeDescription
idBIGINTID of fliter of channel. Not unique.
parent_group_idBIGINTReferences id where type is channel.
ID of the parent channel to which this channel or filter belongs to.
top_parent_group_idBIGINTReferences id where type is channel.
ID of the TOP parent channel to which this channel or filter belongs to.
typeVARCHARCould be filter or channel.
nameVARCHARName of the filter of channel.
labelVARCHARAttribution or integration qualification of filter or channel, could take different values to help identify what this entity is about. Can be NULL.
integrationVARCHARContains technical identifier of the integration, e.g. bing is for "Microsoft Ads" and etc.
pathVARCHARJSON encoded Array of the full path (top to bottom) of channels to which filter or channel belongs to.


The visitor table is populated every time a new visitor is tracked or identified, this table contains information about both identified and anonymous visitors.

If a visitor comes to your website as anonymous and later identifies themselves Attribution will keep two records - first the anonymous visitor and the second migrated_to visitor.
Important note this table does not contain USER_ID which you pass in with your identify() call, and is instead stored in the users table.

Column NameTypeDescription
idBIGINTUnique ID. The primary key for this table, it is referenced from other tables.
project_idBIGINTInternal ID of your project.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when visitor was last updated.
ipVARCHARVisitor IP address.
traitsVARCHARJSON hash of visitor traits.
emailVARCHAREmail extracted from traits.
company_idBIGINTReferences Company to which visitor belongs to.
migrated_toBIGINTReferences id if this visitor was aliased or merged with another visitor.
original_created_atTIMESTAMPThe time when visitor or user was created/registered in your database, created_at is extracted from traits.


This table primarily contains identifier which is USER_ID passed by you in identify() and track() calls. These should be users that have been identified by your tracking system (Segment, Shopify, Heap, Attribution manual methods)

Column NameTypeDescription
idBIGINTUnique ID. The primary key for this table, is referenced from other tables.
identifierVARCHARUSER_ID you passed in identify() call or user_id used in track(). This is your user id which you pass to our system.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when user was written into Attribution database first time.
project_idBIGINTInternal ID of your project.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when visitor was last updated.
original_created_atTIMESTAMPDEPRECATED. Use visitor.original_created_at instead.


This table contains information about your integrations and manually entered spend amounts. Each row contains information about spend amount per single filter per date.

Column NameTypeDescription
idBIGINTUnique ID. The primary key for this table.
valueBIGINTSpent amount in cents.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when user was written into Attribution database first time.
filter_idBIGINTReferences visits.filter and AND xNNNN_filters.type = 'filter' tables.
sourceVARCHARIntegration name if this amount is automatically pulled.
dateDATEDate for which spend amount if collected.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when visitor was last updated.
project_idBIGINTInternal ID of your project.
amount_range_idBIGINTInternal use only. Reference amount ranged set if this spend is part of it.
deletedBOOLEANIf this spend was deleted. When you query or join this table make sure to always add deleted = FALSE condition.
original_valueBIGINTIf currency conversion was applied it contains original value in cents.
original_currencyVARCHARIf currency conversion was applied it contains ISO code of the initial currency.
conversion_rateDECIMAL(18, 6)Currency conversion rate applied at the moment of conversion.
currency_converted_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when currency was converted.


This table represents URL parameters found in pageviews URLs. Each row contains one pair of normalized and parsed URL parameters from events.uri field. If you have pageview event in events table with uri like then it will result in two records being added to this table. First record would have key = utm_source and value = partner, second would have key = utm_campaign and value = awesome. Note that both key and value would be downcased and trimmed to 32 and 128 characters accordingly. If you need the original values please use events.uri instead.

Column NameTypeDescription
keyVARCHARParameter key.
valueVARCHARParameter value.
project_idBIGINTInternal ID of your project.
timeTIMESTAMPTimestamp when event was fired. Matches events.time.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when parameter was last updated.
idBIGINTUnique ID. The primary key for this table.


This table represents custom event properties passed with track() call. Each row contains one pair of properties. If you have called track('Custom Event', { plan: 'Starter', revenue: '$50.00' }) if will create one record in events table and two records in properties table. First record would have key = plan and value = Starter, second would have key = revenue and value = $50.00. Note that both key and value would be sorted as they been passed, no transformations are applied.

Column NameTypeDescription
idBIGINTUnique ID. The primary key for this table.
keyVARCHARProperty key.
valueVARCHARProperty value.
project_idBIGINTInternal ID of your project.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when parameter was last updated.


This table contains information about visitor (user) company. Visitor could be assigned to a company by defining company_id and company_name traits when calling identify() call.

Column NameTypeDescription
idBIGINTUnique ID. The primary key for this table.
project_idBIGINTInternal ID of your project.
identifierVARCHARcompany_id you pass in traits of identify() call. This is your company id which you pass to our system.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when parameter was last updated.
nameVARCHARcompany_name passed in traits of identify() call.
traitsVARCHARJSON hash of company traits.


This table contains information about visitor browser (user_agent) and Anonymous ID (cookie_id). When Visitor first comes to website Attribution Snippet generates unique Anonymous ID this identificator is stored in browser LocalStorage (cookies) and passed to Attribution tracking endpoint for all snippet calls (identify(), track(), alias()).

Column NameTypeDescription
idBIGINTUnique ID. The primary key for this table.
cookie_idVARCHARAlso known as Anonymous ID, this is the exact value of cookie stored in visitor browser Local Storage under _attrb key. Calling Attribution.user().anonymousId(); in JavaScript will return you this value.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when browser information was written into Attribution database first time.
user_agentVARCHARExact string of brwoser User-Agent header. It can be used to detect platform and device visitor is using.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when parameter was last updated.
project_idBIGINTInternal ID of your project.

If you have any questions on this please feel free to contact [email protected]