Learn how to follow GDPR regulations with the delete request docs
For marketers
If you are unfamiliar with API tools then you can always reach out to our team at help@attributionapp.com with a CSV of identified visitors you'd like to delete, this CSV should contain the unique ID like email, userId, or some other.
User Deletion and Suppression
In keeping with Attribution’s commitment to GDPR and CCPA readiness, Attribution offers the ability to delete and suppress data about end-users when they are identifiable by a userId, should they revoke or alter consent to data collection. For example, if an end-user invokes the Right to Object or Right to Erasure under the GDPR or CCPA, you can use these features to block ongoing data collection about that user and delete all historical data about them from Attributions’s systems, connected S3 buckets and warehouses, and supported downstream partners.
All deletion and suppression actions in Attributionn are asynchronous and categorized as Regulations. Regulations are requests to Attribution to control your data flow.
With Regulations, you can issue a single request to delete and suppress data about a user by userId.
The three types of Regulation are:
Deletion support and the right to be forgotten
When you create a SUPPRESS_AND_DELETE regulation, the user is actively suppressed, and Attributionbegins permanently deleting all data associated with this user from your workspace. This includes scanning and removing all messages related to that userId from all storage mediums that don’t automatically expire data within 30 days, including archives, databases, and intermediary stores.
Attribution deletes messages with this userId from connected raw data Destinations, including Redshift, BigQuery, Postgres, Snowflake, and Amazon S3. Warehouse deletions occur using a DML run against your cluster or instance, and Attribution delete from S3 by “recopying” clean versions of any files in your bucket that included data about that userId.
Attribution forwards these deletion requests to a growing list of supported partners.
Attribution cannot guarantee that data is deleted from your Destinations.
You will also need to contact any unsupported Destinations separately to manage user data deletion.
Note that if you later UNSUPPRESS a user, the deletion functionality does not clean up data sent after removing the user from the suppression list.